martes, 21 de diciembre de 2010

logotipos en Andaluz; un poquito de humor.

Logotipos en andaluz

CSS Barcelona

Client Contest 2010 en Galeria CSS Barcelona

New form features in HTML5


HTML5 includes many new features to make web forms a lot easier to write, and a lot more powerful and consistent across the Web. This article gives a brief overview of some of the new form controls and functionalities that have been introduced.


CSS3 Page FlipPagi

Blog de Roman cortes con intresantes efectos y jquerys.

Javascript Radial Blur

Click here to see the effect
(versión en castellano abajo)
This effect is a radial motion blur coded in Javascript. Since it uses the canvas element, it requires the latest browser versions and does not work in any current version of Internet Explorer.
The radial motion blur algorithm in this effect is a fast one that uses feedback for blur propagation. The most complex thing I did here was the speed optimization. Even if the effect is somewhat simple to code, it is not an easy task to make it fast enough to be realtime in Javascript for the current browsers and computers. It is working fast in the current versions of Safari and Chrome, not that fast, but enough in Firefox, and slow in Opera.
There are some interesting Javascript speed optimization methods on this. Please take a look of the source code if you are interested. If you want further explaination, please leave a comment and I will try to explain it in a new post.
Este efecto es un difuminado radial de movimiento (me suena fatal esta traducción que he hecho, pero la verdad es que no estoy muy seguro de cómo podría llamarse en castellano) programado en Javascript. Usa el elemento canvas y por tanto requiere las últimas versiones de los navegadores. No funciona en Internet Explorer.
El algoritmo de difuminado que he usado para este efecto es uno rápido que usa realimentación para la propagación del difuminado. Lo más complejo fue la optimización de velocidad. Pese a que el efecto es relativamente simple, no es fácil conseguir que sea en tiempo real en Javascript en los ordenadores y browsers actuales. Está funcionando rápido en Safari y Chrome, suficiente en Firefox y lento en Opera.
Hay varias optimizaciones de velocidad para Javascript en esto. Si estáis interesados, por favor, mirad el código fuente. Si necesitáis que lo explique, dejad un comentario e intentaré explicarlo en un próximo post.
10 Comentarios Etiquetas

Moleskine Cuaderno conjQuery Booklet

Ese Jquery es ideal para mostrar trabajos en tu web de manera original.
Realizado enteramente en Jquery.

viernes, 10 de diciembre de 2010

Crear una plantilla web profesional (paso a paso)

In this Photoshop tutorial we’re going to learn how to create a web 2.0 layout, As we go through the tutorial we’ll deal with so many Photoshop techniques. Seems kind of long? that’s because it’s very detailed. I assure you’ll find easy to follow and to get done, just give it a try!

sábado, 4 de diciembre de 2010

How To Create A Sexy Vertical Sliding Panel Using jQuery And CSS3

Vertical Sliding Panel With jQuery And CSS3 

More and more we see people using horizontal sliding panels on their websites. And they usually look very nice! Some will put a contact or login form in there, others will put some information about them and their website, or even things like a tag cloud or social networking buttons.
Horizontal sliding panels are great for many situations, but like everything else, they’re not always ideal. It depends on the project. To see what I mean by ‘horizontal sliding panel‘, go have a look at my other site Design-Newz, and click on the ‘want more‘ button that’s on the right above the navigation bar.