lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

21 jquery and CSS3 Tutorials

1. BonBon Sweet CSS3 buttons

21 of Best jQuery And CSS3 Tutorials coding
Here we are with these fantastic buttons. There are 3 different materials. A “mate”, “glossy” and a “glass” version. The difference of the later two is that the glass version adds a dark blurry text-shadow which makes it look like you can see trough the button to its bottom.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Ramón Acedo. Freelance Ilustrator.

Blog de Ramon Acedo

Navegando por la red, concretamente en CGSociety me he encontrado unas joyas de Ramon Acedo.

Ramón es un arquitecto e ilustrados freelance afincado en Madrid. Me han gustado mucho sus ilustraciones de
Enviroment Concepts.

Os dejo un par de ejemplos. Para ver mas trabajos suyos pasaros por su blog Monster in the city.

martes, 25 de enero de 2011

Diseños web Vintage

Today I would like to share 44 cool retro vintage web design inspiration. This post is to inspire you (and me) with the fresh inspiring designs submitted by designers worldwide. If you would like to share your work and being published on, feel free to email us at I may publish your work here. Enjoy!

Tricycle Terror

Tricycle Terror

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

30 Portafolios/blogs con un buen diseño.

30 Beautiful and Creative Blog Designs
It’s difficult to stand out from the vast sea of blogs on the Web; you truly have to try hard to create a remarkable and unique blog design in order to be memorable. This collection features beautiful and creative blog designs that step outside the aesthetics we’re accustomed to seeing in blogs.

martes, 11 de enero de 2011

Custom scrollbar

Custom scrollbar plugin utilizing jquery UI that’s fully customizable with CSS. It features vertical/horizontal scrolling, mouse-wheel support (via Brandon Aaron jquery mouse-wheel plugin), scroll easing and adjustable scrollbar height/width.
malihu custom scrollbar plugin


viernes, 7 de enero de 2011

19 tutoriales para interfaces

Designing websites in Photoshop is becoming a necessity for every designer. For this reason i want to present some great photoshop layouts tutorials. This roundup includes 19 of the best tutorials for web layouts. The following tutorials cover how to create different types of websites: wordpress themes layouts, hosting layouts, portfolio layouts.

1. Ultimate web hosting tutorial

photoshop layout

martes, 4 de enero de 2011

Portafolios que hay que ver


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About Me Page Designs cover 25+ Excellent & Informative About Me Page Designs
The “About Me” page is one of the most overlooked pages in development and one of the highest ranked pages on many websites. This is probably one of the most important pages on your website. A great way to distinguish yourself from the crowd is to have a truly unique about me page. Here is an amazing collection of unique and informative  “About Me” Page Designs.


25 Fresh JQuery Plugin for your websites this 2011
25 Fresh JQuery Plugin for your websites this 2011

2).Moleskine Notebook with jQuery Booklet

25 Fresh JQuery Plugin for your websites this 2011
25 Fresh JQuery Plugin for your websites this 2011

domingo, 2 de enero de 2011

30 Creative and Attractive WordPress Footer Designs

Colección de 30 atractivos Wordpress themes.

We’ve already posted a collection of WordPress Header Designs in the past. Today, we have come up with a topic that’s somewhat related to it, the WordPress Footer Design. Footer is the part wherein your visitors could leave a comment, check for the related articles, categories, tags, copyright information, quick links and more. Most of the visitors often ignore the page footer but for a designer, the footer is as important as the header or the content of the website or blog. Modern age designers are now finding more great ways to decorate their footer to make it attractive because they believe that it provides a perfect ending to their website’s presentation.
Below is our compilation of 30 Creative and Attractive WordPress Footer Designs for your inspiration. Check them out. Just click the image or view the source to visit the site. You may find new ideas on what you need to do to improve your footer section.


View Source

Horror Manipulations

40 Amazing Examples of Horror and Macabre Photo Manipulation Art

40 Amazing Examples of Horror and Macabre Photo Manipulation Art

Photo manipulation is an art to developing collaboration between photography, graphic design and digital editing. This is not as easy as it sounds; it requires a skill and precision in Photoshop and other tool and also a hell lot of patience. This is one of the most creative art forms to come out of the digital age.
In this presentation shows an amazing collection of horror and macabre photo manipulation art. Hopefully that will inspire you. Enjoy!